Plum Creek Road Lift Station
We provided design, bidding, and construction assistance services for this lift station located on S. Plum Creek Road. The lift station was designed to TCEQ standards and consists of a 7-ft diameter, 28-ft deep, concrete wet well with two 450-gpm, submersible pumps. The lift station also includes a 7’x6’ valve vault, 40 kW generator, SCADA connectivity, and a chain link security fence around the perimeter and discharges to the PCU Wastewater Treatment Plant via approximately 4700 LF of 8” PVC force main. We also designed the wet well to accommodate upsizing of existing pumps to 825-gpm pumps in the future. Once completed, the lift station was dedicated to PCU for ownership and operation.
Challenges and Solutions
“Being near Plum Creek, there was significant groundwater encountered during excavation for the wet well just below the ground surface. This required constant pumping to dewater the hole long enough to get the wet well installed and backfilled. We also added a pipe during construction that allows the groundwater level to be monitored and pumped if necessary, during ongoing operations.”
— SWE Project Manager