Windy Hill Utility Wastewater Collection System
We initially designed a 30,000-gpd temporary wastewater treatment plant. This existing wastewater treatment plant serves a subdivision with 93 duplexes, so 186 living units, for about 500 people. However, we have prepared a master plan for this wastewater plant that could ultimately serve approximately 3,000 homes (around 9,000 people) after several plant expansions. Furthermore, we have completed design of the first treatment plant expansion, which will have a capacity of 120,000-gpd but be easily expandable to 400,000-gpd. We have also completed design of 600 LF of offsite gravity main, a regional lift station, and 1500 LF of force main, which will convey wastewater from several proposed subdivisions to this treatment facility. It is also under construction and scheduled to be completed in late 2023. With this being a brand-new system and ongoing project, we have had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of tasks necessary to get the system up and running. In a land development sense, we also review plans for new subdivisions that would be connecting to this wastewater system to ensure compliance with Windy Hill Utility rules and regulations.
Challenges & Solutions
“We encountered a great deal of groundwater that appeared suddenly halfway through construction. To help determine the source of the extra water, we arranged for several exploratory excavations. Eventually it was concluded that the flow came down the gravel bedding of the gravity wastewater pipe to the plant. We then tested the water quality to ensure that it was not wastewater, and had the water company double check to rule out any leaks in nearby water pipes. Once we confirmed that it was in fact naturally occurring groundwater, we designed a trench dam and gravel drain to re-direct this water to a nearby drainage low.”
— SWE Project Manager